When you decide to change the life you like in order to have the Life You Love: Fit Mom Michele Marsili


Interview with Pepper.B

Think like a queen.

A queen is not afraid to fail.

Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. 


I am a former Sales Executive and makeup artist turned stay at home, work from home wife & mother. I am a fitness coach and have a passion for beautiful things and connecting with people. I have 2 dogs and live in the San Francisco, Bay Area. I feel like I’m an introvert stuck in an extroverts body. My experience in the beauty industry really made me realize a lot about myself. I can take a lot of heat and make shit happen. I was leaving on a plane every week for work, crying in my hotel room all alone and I missed my son and family so much. I realized I wasn’t prioritizing myself or my happiness.   

What made you decide to get into fitness?

One day, I was scrolling through Instagram and a friend that I follow was posting a ton of workout videos. She was working out from home, with her baby and I thought that was pretty cool. The next day, I was getting ready for work, drinking my 2nd cup of coffee and noticed a grey hair. I’m about to be 27, I wasn’t gonna let that happen. I needed change.


Was fitness always your lifetime goal ?

As a kid and teenager, not really. I had my vegetarian binges in high school but nothing hardcore. Once I started to grow up, I watched people that were a few years older than me, start to look grey and overweight. Some of them had kids, some just looked burned out. I remember freshly graduating high school, and crying to my best friend, that I didn’t want to look like ‘that’ after I had a child. Fast forward to today, I made sure that there was no way in hell I was gonna let that happen. 

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” - Steve jobs

What is your workout routine like?

I wake up every morning at 6:00AM and try to hit my yoga mat by 6:30AM, after 30 minutes of yoga I will incorporate core and butt routine. I’ve been really into using a medicine ball or weight for oblique twists. Every day I focus on something a little different, but always practice yoga.


Do you like working out at home better thAn the gym ? if so why ?

I love working out from home! I used to have a gym membership, and would go one to three times a month if that! Bad, I know. I remember a 3 month period where I didn’t go at all, and this was before I had my son. I like working out from home because I host a challenge group that includes people from across the nation to participate. We schedule our workouts and post our progress so we can see where everyones at, as far as reaching their fitness goals. I need the accountability from my challengers! Without anyone holding you accountable, it can be very difficult to achieve that long term goal.


What are common excuses you hear that prevent people from working out consistently?

Too busy, in pain, and so and so is coming into town. Haha. I think for the most part it’s not a matter of not having time, (because we can all wake up earlier and go to sleep earlier) it's a matter of not prioritizing their health. 

Do you think Meal Prepping is important in order to lose weight?

Meal prepping for me is a game changer! Yes! If you can discipline yourself to meal prep healthy and whole food one time a week on Sundays, you have no excuse to eat poorly throughout the week. Right now, my challengers are on a meal and portion control plan where it gets your eating habits in check quickly. My rule of thumb is weight loss is 75% diet and 25% exercise.

Who is your Muse?

Nicole Richie. Maybe it's because she’s a Virgo and born in the Bay Area haha. I love that she appreciates beauty and doesn’t give a fuck if she fits into the mold or not.

Talk a little bit about your son.

My son is so peaceful and independent. We also share the same birthday, he’s my baby Virgo twin except a little sweeter than I.  Growing up, all I wanted to feel loved and supported no matter what or who I was. I want to give that to my son.

What is your Zodiac Sign?  Virgo- Leo cusp

Talk a little bit about being a fitness coach?

I’m pretty new to this whole fitness thing and a big reason I became one was because I wanted to pursue an avenue that promoted a healthy lifestyle. I was tired and turned off of people celebrating this ‘work hard, drink energy drinks, and eat whatever’s in front of you to be on your game’ lifestyle. I want to add value to people's lives. I wanted to feel good about myself. Coaching has allowed me to connect with people on what I feel is a positive and self improvement level. It’s not a competition. Another perk is, I always have to be on my fitness game, which has changed my life physically and spiritually. I really love it.

What are 5 easy tips you can give women working out from home?

  1.  Wake up an hour earlier to fit it into your busy day

  2.  Drink water right when you roll out of bed

  3.  Schedule your workouts like they are an appointment

  4.  Buy a yoga/workout mat

  5.  When you're feeling unmotivated to workout, put your workout clothes on

When do you feel beautiful?

I feel beautiful after I’ve practiced yoga. Yoga really brings me at peace with myself and connects me to world. I think beauty starts with how you feel on the inside.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." -Steve Jobs


What are 5 items you can't leave home without?

  1.  Water bottle

  2.  Lip stick

  3.  Sunglasses

  4.  Gum

  5.  Snacks, always gotta be prepared!

What’s the last song you listed to in your Ipod?

Needed Me - Rihanna


If you were a smoothie what would you be and why?

Spicy Mexican Chocolate smoothie!

Because it’s a classic flavor that most people like, but it’s not for everybody and a little different.


What foods do you avoid?

Any thing that comes frozen and is pre cooked or made to be microwaved. No hot pockets or TV dinners for this mama.

Other than that, i’m not picky and I eat a lot more since i’ve been working out consistently. I’m always hungry!


What are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?

  • Resilient

  • Courageous

  • Communicator

What food is your guilty pleasure?

I loved baked sweets. Please keep it away.


What is a message you have for women?

Don’t waste your time going through the motions if it doesn’t make you truly happy. I guess that can be applied on many levels with relationships, jobs, friends. Don’t do it. When you find yourself doing that, it’s time to make another move. Practice listening to your intuition. Value yourself and be true to who you are. You are noT supposed to fit into someone else’s agenda. You’re in control.

Join Michele on Instagram @mamas.michele