Magnetic Lashes Just Got Even Easier


Can’t fight the magnetic pull

Magnetic lashes have been on the scene for a minute now. This innovative beauty hack has been one that I have been fascinated by. I could watch video after video of gurus mastering the magnetic lash. When they first started to creep into our social feeds, the lashes were magnetic to each other. There were two sets of lashes, one per eye, where a top lash band made a sandwich out of your own lashes with the bottom lash band. Moxie Lash just raised the bar when they thought of a way to make you the magnet!

Meet Moxie Lash

Ok, so you are not the magnet but your LINER IS!!! Moxie Lash has made a liquid and gel eyeliner that are magnetic and hold your magnetic lashes in place! You apply the eyeliner, let it dry, and then apply your favorite pair of magnetic lashes. When asked if their liner will work with other magnetic lashes, Moxie Lash says, “Absolutely! Our eyeliner works with any & all magnetic lashes!” (source)

Lashes are the final touch to any look. If you ever loved your eye makeup but wondered what was lacking in the pop factor, it’s your lashes, honey.


Magnetic Gel Liner: $32

Magnetic Liquid Liner: $45

This set of magnetic lashes is the format we’ve gotten used to seeing. The aforementioned sandwich method. I have personally tried a pair of magnetic lashes like these in the past from Ardell.

My struggle was that the magnets did not sit exactly on each other, so they always looked wrong in some way. Remember in elementary school when you first learned about magnets. Did you ever get the magnets that, yes, they pulled toward each other, but they weren’t perfectly on each other. Imagine that but eye lashes attached. I just thought maybe I got a bad pair. Moxie Lash eliminated the issue of having to align magnets right near your eye!

They currently have 3 styles of lashes each available for $35. Each lash band has 5 magnets that latch on to the liner. The Ardell magnetic lashes I tried only had three magnets. Because of that, I could not trim down the lashes to the length I needed them to be. I think with more magnets, you could make the lash more customize-able.

Classy Lash
Sassy Lash
Flashy Lash


My very first thought when I heard of magnetic liner for your lashes was that your lashes would fly off with a gust of wind. But Moxie says their lashes are wind resistant and stay in place all day. They tested it out with a blow dryer. was

My next thought brought me a question of safety. Could having a magnet near your eye for a few hours a day impact your eyes? Moxie Lash says yes!

“Yes! We’ve been in business for close to a year with THOUSANDS of customers and we’ve never had any issues. In fact, Princeton Consumer Research independently studied the effects of prolonged magnetic lash use in healthy female subjects, and not a single adverse reaction was found. Rest assured that MoxieLash has officially been deemed safe for everyday use. Of course, as with any new product, people with pre-existing eye conditions should consult their doctor before using MoxieLash.” (source)

Check out their video for application!

get your flirt on.