“14 Juices Made to Boost Your Immune System”
Hey Everyone! I’ve decided to create this simple post because I get questions about this on social media pretty often. Juicing is apart of my routine because I like them. I genuinely love the way I feel after drinking juice especially green juices or juices with ginger + beets. If I have time, I make them myself at home if not I get juice from the local juice bar or support businesses I like on social media. I also like to use some of the recipes below when I’m at my juice bar. With their current menu I find a lot of the juices get boring after a while. This allows me to mix a few things to my liking.
Please keep in mind when I juice using exact measurements, doesn’t always work for me, lol I don’t follow instructions I follow what my mind and taste buds tells me lol. Majority of these recipes are for juicing but can be used for smoothies as well. When I reference using coconut water in my juice as the base, I normally put coconut water in my pitcher first before I juice my fruits and for smoothies I use coconut water as a substitution for fruit juice or actual water.
If you have any cool recipes please share in the comments below!
Vitamin C
2 Carrots Fresh Ginger Root Chunk 1 Lemon 2 Oranges 1 Tbsp of Manuka H Turmeric Root
Cranberry Boost
Half Cup Cranberries 1 pear 1 Apple 1 Cucumber 1 handful of spinach 1 celery stalk
Spurlina Drink
Spurlina capsule/ Powder Half cup kale Half cup spinach Half Bell Pepper Pineapple 1 Orange
Watermelon Juice
Just watermelon 😃
1/4 Coconut Water Remainder Pure Juice From Juicer Cup of Ripe Mango 2 cups of pineapple 2 chunks of ginger 1 celery stalk
Turmeric Lemonade
Turmeric Root. 4 Whole Lemon ( I always include peel) + Manuka honey.
Handful of Blackberries + Blueberries 3/4 Coconut water 1date + Moringa seeds or powder from capsule.
Grapefruit + Ginger
1 grapefruit 2 mandarins 2 carrots 1 Lemon 1 inches of Peeled Ginger Root
Semi Green
1 Cup of Spinach Half lemon 2 orange Dates 1 Chunk of ginger Turmeric
Tomato + Celery
2 Cups of Kale 1 Vine Tomato 1 Celery Stalk
2 Oranges Seamoss 1 Lemon Apple
Lime Juice
3 Lime ( Key Lime ) 1 Kiwi 2 Celery Stalk + Parsley
Beet Juice
1 Small Beet Root 2 Green Apples 1 Ginger Chunk 2 Medium sized carrots
3/4 Coconut Water remainder pure juice from juicer. 1 lemon with peel 1 carrot 2 apples half of small beetroot