Denequa Williams Creator Lit! BKLYN
My name is Denequa Williams, Brooklyn-bred. I would describe myself as an honest, outspoken, funny, adventurous, spontaneous, heart on the sleeve wearing, professional dreamer who was not always comfortable with who I was. It took some time to acquire this confidence that was once the mask for my insecurities and uncertainties. I am a firm believer in being honest with yourself and never allowing someone else’s thoughts about you to alter your spirit. I love to get dressed up. I believe in fairy tales, trusting your instincts, speaking on the phone for hours, loving hard, & forgiveness. I have a potty mouth. I believe in second chances. I make my own rules. I can be silly sometimes and really serious other times. I love to take pictures. I don’t trust people easily. I am a rebel at heart. I am a sucker for flowers and candles. I love sour candy. I’ve learned to see the beauty in all things. I prefer to listen to music rather than watch tv. 90’s R&B, old school reggae and occasional trap music to be more specific. JayZ is my favorite rapper. I listen to Lauryn Hill’s Unplugged at least five times a week in its entirety. I love LOVE. I believe it is the healer of all things. Everyday I am learning more and more about myself. I actually have a few hidden passions, lol, I enjoy writing, cooking, and photography.
Was curating candles your dream job?
Surprisingly, curating candles was not always my dream job. I just knew that I always loved candles and wanted to take a try at creating my own product. I have always been a creative person with a million ideas, lol. I have a few dream jobs, I’m just getting started. Curating candles is actually paving the way for everything else that I wish to accomplish.
What is the best part about owning your own business?
The best part about owning my own business is that I am in control of my voice and my vision and it has been a complete joy watching it come into fruition. I also enjoy meeting and connecting with the people who support my brand
What are 3 mandatory tools you think a person owning a small business needs ?
3 mandatory tools that I think a person owning a business needs are a laptop, passport, & business cards. A laptop to conduct your business affairs (email, skype, etc.) , a passport to see the world and get inspiration for your business, & business cards because every person who owns a business needs it.
If you were a candle scent what would you be and why ?
If I was a candle scent, I would be my “HOME” scent, which is a mash up of lemon sugar and vanilla. It’s warm, calm, memorable and inviting, kind of like me
Who’s your Muse ?
My muse are my parents. I admire their work ethic. I am a product of excellence. Both immigrants who migrated to this country with practically nothing. They have taught me and showed me first hand what hard work and sacrifice look like and for that I will forever be grateful. I have no other choice but to be excellent because I had the best examples
What perfume do you wear most often ?
My perfume that I wear most often is Tom Ford “Tobacco Vanille", and Elizabeth & James “Nirvana”
What is your go to manicure color & why ?
My go to manicure color is Starter Wife in Essie, I love this color because it’s soft and girly and it’s like the perfect powder pink.
What are 5 items you need to create an ambiance ?
My 3* items that I need to create an ambiance in no particular order are candles, comfy pillows, flowers.
What’s your skin regime like, Whats your favorite skincare line?
My favorite skin care line is skinBUTTR, I use their cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. I also love Africa Miranda’s facial elixir.
What’s the last song you listened to while commuting or driving ?
The last song I listened to while commuting is JayZ’s “What More Can I Say”
Talk about some collaborations you've done:
The collaborations that I have done are with Mia Ray (Glam-Aholic Lifestyle) & Mikey Likes It (Hip Hop themed ice cream shop). Both doing extremely well. Funny thing is with the collab with Mia, I never even met her, or even heard her voice over the phone. I was just a huge fan of her work ethic, and her hustle. Her vibe is sort of infectious. I had purchased one of her wallets and shared a flatlay (photo) on social media. She loved the image so much that she reposted it, that’s how she found out about LIT. She made a purchase, & I woke up one day to a friend request from her on Facebook & was tagged in a 28 minute long review of the candles. I literally started crying. I mean I know that I created a dope product. But to have someone I didn't know, someone I don't even have a relationship speak so highly of something I created was next level. A few weeks later, she reached out and asked if I did collabs. Although I knew eventually I would branch out and do it, my first collab had to be with Mia. I’m super big on energy, I went with my gut and it felt right. It felt genuine. The trust was there on both ends. I created two scents for her “Rose Ray”(rose scented) & “HU$TLE” (sweet & floral scented).
For the Mikey collab, I created two scents from their number one selling flavors “Ice Ice Baby” (Vanilla) & “SoHo” (Southern Hospitality/Butter Pecan) This was an absolute honor to be able to collaborate with a brand that I not only support but also respect. Some thing has got to be said when you are happy about your job, and that’s the vibe I get every single time I walk into Mikey Likes It. Mikey is big on community as well as customer service. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with him.
If you could do an upcoming collaboration with someone you admire who would it be ?
If I could do an upcoming collaboration with someone I admire, it would definitely be Elaine Welteroth of Teen Vogue. She is an inspiration to women, to people of the world. I love what she is doing with her voice and her platform. She is unafraid, unapologetic, and a complete badass.
Most exciting moment for LIT Brooklyn in 2016:
My most exciting moment for 2016 was seeing a product that I created in the December Holiday issue of Essence Magazine & also sitting on the infamous gold couch in the RocNation office getting my picture taken by THE Lenny S.
Something you are looking forward to doing in 2017:
In 2017, I am looking forward to being on ‘Oprah’s Favorite Things” list *speaking it into existence*
What was your favorite childhood hobby ?
My favorite childhood hobby was doing crossword puzzles in the Sunday newspaper.
If you could leave a small message for Women what would it be ?
If I could leave a small message for women, it would be to follow your dreams and don’t allow anyone to hinder your spirit. Understand that as women, we are multi-faceted individuals that are capable of doing anything that we put our mind to. Also, stay in your own lane, it shouldn’t be that easy to get caught up with what other people are doing, or what other people are saying about you, that’s not your business! Lastly, get comfortable with being alone, it’s when you are alone that you can truly focus on yourself & your craft, and continue to get better and be greater.