Written By Pepper.B
Disclamer if youre looking to learn something from this article you won't! Pepper Notes is my column to do several things, educate, life talks and Rant!
[Scenario 1]:
Primping and making myself up isn't one of my favorite things to do in the morning. I prefer extra sleep! However when it happens it's something that makes me feel good. I am writing this post for the girl on the train to whom I was sitting next to while she was being embarrassed 8:00 am on the path train. As I'm dosing off I look to my right and see a women doing her make-up discreetly. Across from her there are two women, I should probably say girls. Laughing at her because she's doing her make-up on the train. Mocking her motions. This isn't the first time I witnessed this and it's ANNOYING! Maybe seeing this doesn't bother me because I am infatuated with seeing women apply make-up. I also think a little deeper into the situation. This could be a single mom who doesn't have time at home or she's a girl boss who wants those extra minutes of sleep to regroup.
I am that girl who does a full face of make-up on plane lands and goes straight to work. So I totally understand wanting those extra minutes!!
[Scenario 2]:
Why do men have an opinion on how much make-up women wear? If you have so much commentary on beauty please become a make-up artist it is a very lucrative business. Sitting at the bar in lower Manhattan, ease dropping on two men chating as they are on social media looking at girls photos talking about make-up! Are you kidding me ?!? lol This isn't the masculine thing to do. As I'm listening to the chat they mention taking a girl swimming on the first date and give each other a high five.
I'm Sorry, What? Are there not products now that waterproof make-up! Men have make-up all figured out. I guess. I can understand preferring a girl that wears less make-up. Let women be who they are. I'm sure you will be super enthusiastic about the girl who arrives to a date with hair unbrushed and no make-up ( I'm being super sarcastic ) I would love to go to a pool on the first date with a full face of make-up just to prove the 35 dollars I spent on setting spray is worth every penny! I personally prefer my version of a natural look which still requires a ton of steps and I love every moment of it. This won't be dictated by someone who doesn't understand how a good make-up bag is an investment.
* Cash Register Noise Here*
[Scenario 3]: Ms I don't wear that much make-up.
I work in the beauty industry in all aspects. Apart of my job requires me to be in different locations around the northeast doing make-up in-store. One thing that I find that is universal in every state is the HATER FRIEND. The friend who goes make-up shopping solely to discourage her friend not to buy make-up and brag about how much make-up she doesn't wear!
As two women approach me:
Friend: " I don't wear that much make-up everyday all I wear is Concealer, Bronzer, Blushes, Brows and lipgloss.!
I don't know call me crazy but the last time I checked that is almost a full make-up routine. You wear natural make-up it's okay. No one is going to give you an award for being the friend who does a no make-up look. If polished make-up allows your friend to feel good support her. This is also the friend who is the side commentator while her friend is getting her make-up done and has a comment for every color you attempt to use. In this moment I often feel like the friend should go AWAY lol. Don't take advice from the friend who is ashamed of her routine.
This also shouldn't be taken the wrong way! I love natural face, I love dramatic make-up, I love women who aren't as skilled and attempt to learn to make make-up work for them. Imagine if all the make-up junkies bashed women who don't wear make-up? Which shouldn't happen either. You be offended. It's more about owning who you are and what you like. Most importantly not bashing people who have a preference that is different from you. To the girl on the path train who did her make-up the entire ride, I hope you have the mission and purpose that I do when I'm on go doing things that align with my lifestyle. You looked BEAUTIFUL!